Projets de recherche
Participation comme chercheur dans les projets suivants :
- Hydrological Inputs to Lake Kivu (Hydrilak+): Projet visant à quantifier les apports en eau et en nutriments par les affluents afin d’estimer avec une meilleure résolution le bilan en en eau et en nutriments du lac. Le projet est exécuté en partenariat avec l’Institut National d’Enseignement Supérieur (INES-Ruhengeri) et le Lake Kivu Monitoring Program avec le financement d’ Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL/Rwanda) (2018-2020).
-Recherche postdoctorale sur « Les débits minima requis pour les rivières régulées par des barrages hydroélectriques (Ruzizi au Sud-Kivu et Tshopo à Kisangani) en vue de la préservation de leurs fonctions écologiques », un projet en partenariat entre l’Université de Kisangani, l’ISP Bukavu, l’Université Justus Liebig Giessen (Allemagne), l’Université Goethe Francfort (Allemagne) et l’Université de Leibniz Hanovre (Allemagne), financé par la Fondation Volkswagen (2015-2018).
-Enseignant-chercheur Doctorant dans le projet : « Lake Kivu : Learning from the past for managing its future » exécuté par le laboratoire de l’Unité d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Hydrobiologie (UERHA)/ISP en partenariat avec l’Institut de Recherche suisse, EAWAG et l’Institut Rwandais de sciences et Technologies de Kigali (KIST)(2010-2013), ainsi que dans le projet : « East African Great Lake Ecosystem Sensitivity to Changes (EAGLES, 2012-2014) exécuté par le labo UERHA en partenariat avec les universités de Namur (Unité de recherche en Biologie Environnementale et Evolutive, URBE), de Liège (Unité d’Océanographie Chimique, UOC), Catholique de Leuven (KUL), Nationale du Rwanda (UNR) ainsi que le Musée pour l’Afrique Centrale de Tervuren (MRAC) en Belgique.
-Enseignant-chercheur en Master dans le projet : « Nutrient Cycling and methane production in Lake Kivu » exécuté par le laboratoire de l’Unité d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Hydrobiologie (UERHA)/ISP Bukavu en partenariat avec l’Institut Suisse de Recherches Aquatiques et technologiques (EAWAG- domaine des Ecoles Polytechniques) et l’Université Nationale du Rwanda (UNR) de 2006 à 2008.
in peer-reviewed impact journals
- Eisenberg, J., Muvundja, F.A. 2020. Quantification of erosion in selected catchment areas of the Ruzizi River (DRC) using the (R)USLE model. Land 9(4):125. DOI: 10.3390/land9040125
- Masilya, M.P, Muvundja, F.A., Isumbisho, M., Hyangya, L., Kisekelwa, T., Kaningini, M.B., 2020. Food and feeding habits of Raïamas moorei (Boulenger, 1900), Enteromius pellegrini (Poll, 1939) and Enteromius kerstenii (Peters, 1868), three cyprinid species of Lake Kivu (East Africa). Accepted by the Journal of Environmental Biology of Fishes.
- Morana C., Darchambeau F., Roland F. A. E., Borges A. V., Muvundja F.A., Kelemen Z., Masilya P., Descy J.-P., Bouillon S., 2015. Biogeochemistry of a large and deep tropical lake (Lake Kivu, East Africa: insights from a stable isotope study covering an annual cycle. Biogeosciences 12:4953-4963.
- Ross, KA., Schmid, M., Ogorka, S., Muvundja, F.A., Anselmetti, F.S., 2015. The history of subaquatic volcanism recorded in the sediments of Lake Kivu; East Africa. J. Paleolilmnol. 54: 137–152 undefined
- Riziki, W. J., Muvundja, F.A., Mande, P., Isumbisho, M., Kaninginini, M., Masilya, M.P., 2015. Should Limnothrissa miodon be eaten and Lamprichthys tanganicanus thrown? Proximate analysis-based arguments for a Lake Kivu fish resource marketability. Tropicultura 33 (4): 333-339.
- Muvundja, F.A., Wüest, A., Isumbisho, M., Kaningini, M.B., Pasche, N., Rinta, P., Schmid, M., 2014. Modelling Lake Kivu water level variations over the last seven decades. Limnologica 47:21-33. undefined
- Pasche,N., Alunga, G., Mills, K., Muvundja, F.A., Ryves, D.B., Schurter, M., Wehrli, B. and Schmid, M., 2010. Abrupt onset of carbonate deposition in Lake Kivu during the 1960s: response to food web alteration and hydrological change. Journal of Palaeolimnology 44:931-946. undefined
- Muvundja, F.A., Pasche, N., Bugenyi, F.W.B., Isumbisho, M., Müller, B., Namugize, J.N., Rinta, P., Schmid, M., Stierli, R., and Wüest, A. Balancing nutrient inputs to Lake Kivu. J. Great Lakes Res. 35 (2009): 406- 418. undefined
In peer-reviewed local journals
Muvundja, F.A., Zabene, Z.F., Alunga, G.L., Aganze, B.B., Isumbisho, M.P., 2014. The epilithic macroalgae Cladophora sp. in Lake Kivu: Ecological importance and resource-based perspective. Cahiers du CERUKI, Nouvelle Série 44 :264-276.
Muvundja, F.A., Munini, P., Kisekelwa, T., Masilya M. P., Isumbisho, M.P., Kaningini, M. 2014. Hydrologie et qualité physico-chimique des eaux des réservoirs des barrages hydroélectriques de la Rivière Ruzizi, Sud-Kivu, RDC. Cahiers du CERUKI/Nouvelle Série, Numéro spécial Prof. Alphonse Byamungu Nakahazi (1961-2002): 29-42.
Monographs and theses
- Muvundja, F.A., Hydrological variability and biogeochemistry of particulate organic matter of a large tropical rift lake, Lake Kivu (East-Africa). PhD thesis, Uni-Namur, Presses Universitaires de Namur, Belgium.
- Muvundja, F.A., “Riverine Nutrient inputs to Lake Kivu”, Mémoire de master en « Sciences Aquatiques », Département de Zoologie, Université de Makerere (Kampala/Ouganda) (en cours d’examination).
- Muvundja, F.A., Evaluation de la toxicité de quelques plantes insecticides sur des insectes ravageurs des denrées stockées, Mémoire de licence, inédit, Mémoire de Licence, Département de Chimie-physique, ISP-Bukavu, Bukavu, R.D.C.
- Muvundja, F.A., Screening phytochimique de quelques plantes médicinales utilisées comme antidotes dans le groupement de Mumosho en territoire de Kabare, Travail de Fin de Cycle, inédit, Département de Chimie-physique, ISP-Bukavu, Bukavu, R.D. C.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings and books of abstracts
- Muvundja F.A., Morana C., Herman M., Steiguber C.-G., Verleyen E., Ross KA, Anselmetti F.S., Isumbisho M., Darchambeau F., Bouillon S., Schubert C., Descy J.-P., Schmid M., 2014. Biogeochemical proxies indicating environmental changes of the crenogenic meromictic Lake Kivu (East Africa) since the Holocene. In: C. Biscanini et al.(eds), Lakes: The mirrors of the Earth. Balancing ecosystem integrity and human wellbeing. The Book of Abstracts of the 15th World lake Conference, 1-5 September 2014, Perugia, Italy.
- Muvundja F.A., Herman M., Morana C., Schmidt S., Ssemmanda I., Steigüber C.-G., Verleyen E., Anselmetti F.S., Isumbisho M., Darchambeau F., André L., Bouillon S., Schubert C.J., Descy J.-P., Schmid M., 2018. Lake Kivu (East-Africa): Recent biogeochemical records from sediment archives. In: Albrecht et al. (eds), Conference program and Abstracts of the Speciation in Ancient Lakes (SIAL) 8 Conference, 29 July-3 August 2018, Entebbe, Uganda.
- Dusabe M.-C., Wronski T., Hyangya L.B., Muvundja F.A., Alunga G., Riziki W., Tumwebaze I., Albrecht C., 2018. Diversity of macroinvertebrates and water quality in Lake Kivu tributaries and the Ruzizi catchment. In: Albrecht et al. (eds), Conference program and Abstracts of the Speciation in Ancient Lakes (SIAL) 8 Conference, 29 July-3 August 2018, Entebbe, Uganda.
- Muvundja F.A., Riziki W., Dusabe C., Alunga L. G.,Kankonda B.A., Albrecht C , Eisenberg J., 2020. Coping hydropower production and river environmental sustainability: The case study of Ruzizi River (African Great Lakes Region). Accepted for an oral presentation at the international conference on the "Science and Research as Drivers for Development – German-Cameroonian Partnership in the 21st Century" from 19 to 21 March 2020 in Yaoundé, Cameroon organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Cancelled meeting due to the pandemic Coronavirus).
- Muvundja F.A., Current status of Lake Kivu resource management and ecosystem health. Accepted for an oral presentation at the International Association for Great Lakes Research conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 8th-13th June, 2020 organized by the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR).
- Contributions to published books
- Pasche, N., Muvundja, F.A., Schmid, M., Wüest, A., Müller, B., 2012. Nutrient cycling in Lake Kivu. In: Descy J.-P., Darchambeau F., Schmid M. (Eds), Lake Kivu: Limnology and biogeochemistry of a tropical great lake. Aquatic Ecology Series 5, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4243-7_3
- Muvundja, F.A., Uwikunda, S. H., Mande, P., Alunga, L.G., Balagizi, K.I., Isumbisho, M. P., 2013. Valorisation de la chenille comestible Bunaeopsis aurantiaca dans la gestion communautaire des forêts du Sud-Kivu (République Démocratique du Congo). In : Isumbisho et al.(eds), Vers une bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans la région des Grands Lacs Africains. VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement [En ligne], Hors-série 17| Septembre 2013.
- Contributions to international conferences (e.g. oral or poster presentations)
- Oral presentation to an International conference on: « Lake Kivu: Knowledge assessment and resource management » organized by University of Namur in partnership with the Institut supérieur Pédagogique de Bukavu (ISP/Bukavu), the National University of Rwanda and the Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) held in Gisenyi (Rwanda) from 7th to 8th May 2009.
- Oral presentation at an international conference on « The Current status of scientific research in the African Great Lakes Region» organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of Burundi in Bujumbura from 17th to 20th November 2009.
- Oral presentation in an international conference held on : «Tropical Rift Lake Systems: Integrated Volcanologic, Tectonic, and Biogeochemical, and Geohazard Assessment of Lake Kivu» in Gisenyi (Rwanda) from 13th to 15th January 2010 by the Rwandan Ministry of Infrastructures in partnership with a group US universities and Research Centers.
- Oral presentation at the International Workshop by the Lake Kivu Monitoring program (LKMP) on «The International workshop on the monitoring and development of Lake Kivu gas resources», from 8th to 10th February 2011, Gisenyi, Rwanda
- Oral presentations in a series of scientific meetings, on «Sustainable Natural Resource Management», of Sub-Sahara African and German postdoc Volkswagen foundation fellows held successively in Hannover (2014, Germany), Antananarivo (2015, Madagascar), Kampala (2016, Uganda), Arusha (2017, Tanzania), Nairobi (2018, Kenya) under the hospices of the Volkswagen Foundation (Germany) and the Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany).
- Oral presentation on “Lake Kivu (East-Africa): Recent biogeochemical records from sediment archives”. The Speciation in Ancient Lakes (SIAL) 8 Conference, 29 July-3 August 2018, Entebbe, Uganda.
- Oral presentation on “Introducing the Lake Kivu Advisory Group”. An International workshop on Biodiversity assessment (MRV Approach) held in Bukavu from 5-7 March 2020 by the CEBios program of the Natural sciences Museum of Belgium, Bukavu, DRC.
- Oral presentation on “Lake Kivu Overview” at the international workshop on “Strengthening Capacity in Research, Policy and Management through Development of a Network of African Great Lakes Basin Stakeholders” organized by The African Center for Aquatic Research and Education (ACARE) from 5-7 November 2019, Entebbe, Uganda.
Outreach activities (e.g. public engagement in science, technology, and knowledge transfer activities, scientific art performances, etc.)
2019: Co-founder of the Lake Kivu Advisor Group (LKAG) and nomination as the Coordinator
General contributions to science (e.g. spokesperson for experiments, leader of expeditions, founder of networks and training programmes, etc.)
Co-organizer for the Leibniz Universität Natural Resources Management Summer School series (Uni-Abomey Calavi: 2019, Uni-Makerere: 2020 & Uni-Nairobi: 2021) for African Students under funding from the Volskswagen Foundation (Germany).